正缘 发表于 2014-1-26 08:32







★★★金牛座——译者: 五四飞龙








五月中旬之前,你目前感情的大问题有了答案。但首先你得知道那些是什么问题。在六月底,也许看起来好像没人能真正理解你。亦或你与来自爱人或爱慕者表现出来的冷淡、疏远和各种规则作斗争。但是夏日的精神状态自然会带你走出这种不好的状态。社交上你总能做得最好:交际、注意观察、成为见识多广的人、文明的生活、派对中的小精灵。但骨子里你特立独行 侃侃而谈 且你的聪明表现 。 某个东西仍然需要复苏。那就是你!所以,又借用鲁米的诗“打开爱之窗吧file:///C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\U2]%50TOT_CDDX%BSA{59Y6.gif不会敲门file:///C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\U2]%50TOT_CDDX%BSA{59Y6.gif只能从窗口进入。”这就是你今年寻找的月之魔法,让它唤醒你!

★★★巨蟹座——译者: 喜喜









★★★处女座——译者:lady oracle

在新一年,或许某个瞬间,你会在不经意间想起大混沌理论的鳞爪概念。在这个理论中,一切皆有定数,草坪上的雪花与那个聚会中因你的经过而不禁凝神观望的陌生人之间,有着不可思议的、千丝万缕的联系。也许,正如Douglas Adams所论述的,生命灵数的答案是42,但是这答案所对应的问题又是什么呢?(译者注:指银河系漫游五部曲的作者道格拉斯.亚当斯,今年的《地心引力》也有向该书致敬的桥段)



★★★天秤座——译者: 佳佳









有一个古老的童谣: 红桃皇后做了一些馅饼,而红桃皇后的武士把他们都偷走了。这是今年行星活动的一个核心主题。就像红桃皇后一样,在感情方面你开始有一些进展。但好像有人要抢走你的机会。那么,谁是这个武士呢?是你的另一半呢?或者也许就是你自己?


今年三月,或许你开始接受一段关系,它不是'既成事实' ,它是伴随顺境,逆境,平淡的一段永无止境的舞蹈。好消息是,从6月中旬至九月下旬,如果你是单身,将会有一场新的恋情;如果你已经有伴侣,那将迎来一场疯狂的冒险。









土星的影响会让你在3月到7月冷静下来,巧妙地让你和长期承诺保持距离,你能在过去的爱情经历中看到类似的事情吗?当你知道这是你的一种处事方式,随着一点点自我意识,浪漫的猎豹就有可能改变目标哦。在一段感情中你对友谊和亲密默契的需求是没问题的,但是就像这段感情看起来那么令人惊奇一样,你也需要浪漫中的公平分享。如果没有被自动提供,在7月开口要求吧。 为了确保你能得到自己心之所想,学学爱丽丝漫游记中的走在黄砖道上的多萝西吧,大胆说出你心中想要的,然后9月你就会得到哟~~~(黄砖道是爱丽斯漫游仙境里爱丽斯走的那条路,她和稻草人,铁皮人他们一起沿着那条路去找男巫,因为巫师会帮助他们实现愿望)。





Sarah's Year Ahead in Love horoscopes for 2014

With resplendent Jupiter moving into passionate Leo this summer, this is a year when we can all expect miracles to happen in our particular love department.

Saturn may still cause us some emotional ups and downs until the end of 2014, but it gives us time to modify our plans, take care with our hearts, not leap into the deep end too soon, and to know that gut instinct will always pay off where wishful thinking won't. We have the chance to follow our soul's delight and discover a new and better pathway to loving.


If you repeat as a mantra the following three words every morning in the mirror for the first week of January, it will generate an extroardinary change of destiny for the better. The words are: Passion, Persuasion and Puissance. Your persuasive seduction technique and your veritable puissance, are going to lead you down the road of love's greatest adventure this year.

If attached, questions arise mid February about how to keep your freedom (precious as it is to any ram) and yet be part of a double-act? It just takes compromise and acceptance of each other's need for space. If single, new love beckons mid April, and if attached you want to discuss your fears and doubts and insecurities. Is this love affair just a rush towards the same old ending which usually includes huge doses of guilt for wanting more time to yourself, pangs of boredom and the same old routine? Or is it that you need love to unfurl so there's always a dream to chase and a rainbow to discover?

But May and June bring light relief and a chance to avoid the truth. But face it you must. And that's your right to love the way only you can. Freely. Throughout September and October, you have renewed self-belief and grace, and a chance to take the odd romantic risk. So repeat your mantra of passion, persuasion and puissance, and you will know how to love from your heart.


This new year, think of yourself first. Single, you'll have a choice of admirers and if attached time to enjoy the social whirl. But Saturn, the old iron-fist and authoritarian figure of the zodiac still plods on through your relationship angle of your chart until the end of the year.

If you're about to make any long term commitments or decisions, then best to put off until July, even if that seems a long time away. But if you want to remind your partner that you're not just an oily rag and you do have ambitions of your own, or simply tell them you're the reliable lover and partner who will always be there for them, then don't hesitate.

April, you feel a sense of awakening, as if someone says a key word which triggers a whole change of attitude about yourself. Just don't make any hasty decisions concerning your most personal of feelings. Even if your partner or admirer is acting negatively about your future, they're probably just confused about what you want from this relationship.

July and August, you sort out any differences of opinion between you. And the sense of a deeper and long-lasting bond seems not too far away. Whether single or attached, at last someone respects your self-sufficient qualities as much as you respect theirs. A lover merger is on its way early October.


The 13th century Sufi poet, Rumi wrote, 'open the window and ask the moon to come and press it's face against mine, breathe into me.' And this theme of lunar magic is strangely resonant in your chart this year. I know you don't show your feelings too readily. After all, you're a level-headed and rational air sign and emotional stuff has it's place. But it's time to let the moonlight into your life.

By March, you realize that you do need unconditional love, you do need to have plenty of space and freedom, and you do need to be somebody special in your own right, for all your love of humanity. Whether single or attached, the planets are pushing you to express those needs.

By the middle of May, there are big questions about a current relationship to be answered. But first make sure you know what those questions truly are. It may seem as if nobody really understands you at the end of June. Or you're battling with coolness, distance and assorted rules and regulations expressed by a lover or admirer. But the summer spirit will of course take you out of yourself, and socially you can do what you do best. Mingle, observe and be the cosmopolitan and civilized life and soul of every party. But underneath that maverick exterior, and behind the chitchat and the intellectual panache, something still needs to come to life. That's you. So in the words of Rumi again, 'open the love-window. The moon won't use the door, only the window." And it's that moon magic that you're truly searching for this year. Let it 'breathe into you.'


Now the universe is a pretty chaotic and therefore coincidental place. Sometimes we ask and we get, sometimes we are surprised by the synchronisty of love's mysterious ways, at others cynically dismiss it all as 'a load of rubbish'. But within your heart and soul is a growing awareness of what is right for you and what is not. There are many pathways to follow, many choices to be made this year, and whether single or attached you can begin to act upon those desires rather than believe them to be a waste of time.

Saturn's influence in your sign giving you the chance to make your destiny all your own too. Perhaps to chose between two people, or to free yourself from the chains of 'static' relationships. Perhaps to move in new circles to coincidentally, or intentionally, bump into a stranger who mirrors the love inside you. By the middle of July, at last someone is listening to you rather than thinking of themselves.

And whether you believe in yourself or not, in August you have a will, an ego and boundaries, and it's time to honour them. A love affair or long-term relationship can often feel like the poet Rossetti said, "Two separate divided silences." But within that silence is a voice, your soul, inner guide, your higher self, whatever you like to call it, which is demanding you make room for it to be heard and loved by someone special this coming autumn.


Love and marriage may go together like a horse and carriage, but togetherness should never be take for granted. This February, your partner had better keep up with you, as you’re thinking up new exciting adventures and expeditions to undertake – with or without them.

If you’re single, setting off to warmer continents in search of a passionate human beast with whom you can surf, waterski and sunbathe, and who will stimulate you mentally as well as physically, is just the sort of adventure which will pay dividends this spring. A feeling of restlessness is difficult to suppress and a niggling little feeling that the grass is greener elsewhere, has you testing new ground and pushing the boundaries in May. Just make sure that the boundaries you’re pushing are ones you actually want to break free from.

Determined action brings results in July. With Jupiter pushing on into your sign, you’re in the mood to win, and whether that applies to a game of tennis or a lover's heart, you’re taking no prisoners. But this September, allow yourself time to rest and think, get out into the fresh air, eat sensibly, have occasional detox days and pamper yourself a little, or you’ll find it hard to deal with the build-up of demanding families and work.

Try to find time to meditate, understand the reasons behind your worries and count to ten before saying something you might regret late October. But with vivid and beneficial energy all round you in November, you are ready for new emotional responses and powerfully passionate exchanges.


This new year, just for a moment, think about the concept of chaos theory. There, everything is meant to be as it is, and there are a million, trillion infinite connections between the snowflake on the lawn and the stranger at the party who's eyes linger a while as you pass by. And perhaps, as Douglas Adams observed, the answer to the meaning of life is 42, but what is the question?

This year you see how love moves in mysterious ways. But if you want order in the kitchen, control in the boudoir, and of course a handle on your expenditure, then by March you'll feel as if you're not in such control as you thought. You feel that the 'eternal now' is a fine philosophy, but what about your personal sense of security for the future? It feels threatened by disorderly relating. Visionary, opportunists and admirers lead you astray if single, the heat turns up high, passion and sensual desires clammer for attention by mid June. But mid July, order will prevail, and you will feel that love is containable. And for all the romance and surprises and grand flames of sexual desire, it's quite nice actually to return to normal, whatever that is. And then, for a while the spirit of the summer takes you out of yourself, and you indulge and laugh and make love and feel good to be you.

Then, come the end of October, some voice inside, your inner angel perhaps, whispers to you 'feel the passion, see the love between you, hear the rain, taste the unknown, they are all the chaos that is you.' It's time to liberate yourself from the theory that the cosmos is an orderly place.


It's funny how a lot of words that begin with the letters FL seem very approriate to your behaviour and character this 2014. Like flirtatious, flighty, flair, flamboyant and well, there's also fleshpot and flawless. But I think you get the drift. In fact if you're not flitting around from place to place, then you'll be flicking through the travel brochures on the hunt for exotic shores and new romance.

This April, it's time to declutter your heart and spring into romantic life again. Creative thoughts and sexy urges bubble into life and you know you've got to do something to make a relationship move forward. But What? May is a fantastic starting point to define your love goals, check out your true values and start living by your own rules. For what are they if not a very unique expression of who you are? There will be people out there (potential admirers if single, a partner if attached), who will probably raise their hands in surprise rather than a glass of champagne to celebrate the new, sizzling, self-motivated you.

But come June communication channels open again, and you can now ask the very questions you've been avoiding. Does your partner want some kind of commitment or is it just a physical thing? And more importantly, can you envisage spending your future with them? If single, by September it's time to hang out with the one you love. This year is going to be a rollercoaster ride to successful relating, but first do some flitting, enjoy your flirtatious nature, and go with the flow of love.


Through many lunar cycles over the past year, you've been moved to say or do things that perhaps you don't really believe in. You just react, you just do it, because otherwise, would anyone love you for being yourself? But this 2014, you're slowly tapping the tambourine of your own rhythm, seeing that to take a chance on yourself might actually make you feel more secure inside than less.

March, people seem brimming with confidence, lovers eager to take control of the fun, and you, perhaps still fooling yourself that you don't need to take a risk here and there. But you do. Step out of yourself, learn direct assertiveness, and accept that sometimes you make mistakes, like choosing the wrong wardrobe, or even the wrong partner. Saturn's focus in your own sign until July, prods and pokes you to express your feelings, to admit you fear isolation, and you need to belong. And that you are a bit of a paradox: emotionally giving, but also withholding.

Ask yourself these questions, and honestly answer them this August, when the planets give you a valuable mirror to look objectively at yourself. Is your life fulfilling? Are your true desires being met? And by October, the breakable porcelain that love is, can be mended and healed or fixed. But only if you take action, communicate and say to yourself, lover or new admirer that you will take the odd risk in love. And that means the enchantment which is truly unbreakable and solid, can at last begin.


There's an old nursery rhyme about the Queen of Hearts making some tarts, and the Knave of Hearts stealing them. And this is a core theme to this year's planetary activity. And like the Queen of Hearts you're beginning to make progress in love's cookery department. But it does seem as if someone out there keeps snatching away your chance to make it all real. So who is this Knave of Hearts? Is it the one you're with, a rival, or is it perhaps yourself?

Now, with all that charisma and fire, you usually get what you want. You want the best in life and know that it doesn't come freely. But the down side of high expectations is that you inevitably get let down. Your partner can't live up to the image you've projected onto them.

This March, perhaps you begin to accept that a relationship is not a 'fait accompli', it is a never-ending dance of good times, bad times, and indifferent ones. Yet, the good news is that from mid june to late September, you're up for new romance if single, rampant adventure if attached.

Then Jupiter's 's influence reminds you that life is all about enjoying yourself rather than denying you have one. You feel liberated and rebellious, and you're at last being honest with yourself, and the sexual spark begin to fly in the right direction. And, rather like the King of Hearts who demanded the tarts back, your partner or new admirer also begins to realise that you need attention and true respect for your extraordinary talents. You can make love work for you at the end of the calendar year but only if you work at it too.


This new year, you start to see the world through different eyes. Now it's rose-coloured, warm, misty, dreamy, escapist. But hang on, reality isn't supposed to be like that. It's meant to be sorted out, labelled, given a name, isn't it? But then again who's version of reality are we actually talking about?

Remember, as much as you're a pragmatic thinker, you're also a secret romance addict. You yearn for brief encounters, hidden passion and forbidden love just like the rest of us. It's just the good old down to earth 'judgemental' side of you usually rises to the defensive bait and squishes the creative love juices before they get a hold of you. But the 'other' reality you're experiencing this spring is one of sheer in-loveness if single, and if attached a renewed sense of magic between you and your partner. Yes, of course you have a sharply defined view of what is right, wrong, good or bad for you and others. But rather like having a shot of anesthetic to numb an irritating area, we can get addicted to the numbness. Having 'no feeling' means we are free from responsibility for them, but the problem with stamping out the negative ones, means we often stamp out the beautiful ones too.

July's planetary line-up says, honour your feelings, take responsibilty for them, good and bad, and let love flow into your world again. After all, the only reality at the end of the day is yours. September's line-up will promote change for the better, but first know what it is you want, and who you truly love.


This January, you're wondering if a happy home life, rather than career, socialising and material goodies, is perhaps what you truly desire after all. And while all this is going on, powerful emotions are bubbling to the surface and you’re no longer as sensible as you appear. If you’re single you’re finding it all-to-easy to become passionately besotted and infatuated with someone you thought wasn't really your type when you first met.

But this March, as long as your feelings are reciprocated, romance could lead to something that you realise has been seriously lacking in your life. But you might also be in a state of emotional turmoil. You’re experiencing moments of really opening up and truly letting yourself trust - and it’s a bit of a shock.

As Saturn's influence pushes you to cool your affections from March to July, subtly distancing yourself from long-term commitment, can you see a pattern in your relationship history? Once you know it’s a pattern, with a little self-awareness, it's possible for a romantic leopard to change their spots. Your need for friendship and intellectual rapport in a relationship is fine, but surprising as it may seem, you also need your fair share of romance. If it’s not being given automatically, ask for it this July. To be sure to achieve your hearts desire, like Dorothy on the yellow Brick Road, you need merely to speak out loud what your heart wants and it will be given to you this September.


With Saturn's sober influence, you've been under a kind of dark cloud for some time. A feeling that perhaps all that romance and idealism about love is simply a waste of time. How can it ever come true or be sustained when hearts get broken and people end up fighting, hating or leaving? But Saturn is also giving you a sense of responsibility for your choices in love. It forces you to see that it's not the people or the things out there which 'do it' to you, but that they come into your world because of who you are.

This February, liberate your inner voice, and show that you have as much right as anyone else to live according to your values. If they gel with those of your partner or lover, then that's fine. But make sure you're not just kidding yourself. Maybe you're so fearful of being alone that you agreed to play the game at the expense of your individuality? And are you actually missing out on true respect from someone who understands you have boundaries too? Consider whether you feel under some obligation from others, from your partner if attached, or if single, just from your own sense of, "well maybe I'll never find anyone." But believe me, there IS someone special out there, and it won't be very much longer before you realise who it is.

By the middle of July, you begin to realise that it's those who have the hardest battle against their own fears and insecurities, who often become the most self-reliant. The quest is on, and this October it's a treasure chest of goodness you're about to discover. Don't feel bad or guilty about taking pleasure, nor deny yourself the things you know would make you truly happy. Whoever they are, wherever it is that joy leads you, it's your right to assert a healthy selfishness now and then. So why not this 2014?
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